• The Ultimate EV Marketplace

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: February 4,  2023

These Terms and Conditions (also commonly referred to as Terms of Service, TOS or ToS, ToU or T&C) govern the use of FindMyElectric.com (“Find My Electric”) and/or its services. By executing a website action that references these Terms and Conditions, a visitor agrees to these Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement”). Any visitor executing the action of Website Registration, Listing a Vehicle, or Contacting a Seller is entering into this Agreement and verifies that they hold the legal the authority to bind themselves to this Agreement, as does any user simply visiting the site.

Find My Electric’s direct competitors are explicitly prohibited from accessing the Website and/or services provided by Find My Electric, except with Find My Electric’s prior express written consent. In addition, the Website and services may not be accessed for the purpose of monitoring performance, or functionality, or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes. Additionally, competitors are explicitly prohibited from contacting any Find My Electric Users (also referred to as “Sellers” and “Customers”).

While this page contains some details about data practices and use of information, please visit our privacy policy page for a full explanation of our privacy practices.

The information contained on this page is summarized in the following table of contents:

  1. Site Description
  2. Access to FindMyElectric.com
  3. Use of Information
  4. Warranties and Representations
  5. Listing a Vehicle for Sale
  6. Searching for Vehicles
  7. Vehicle Listings
  8. Refund Policy
  9. Third-Party Services
  10. User Content
  11. Communicating With Other Users
  12. Termination/Banning
  13. Waivers
  14. Disclaimers & Limitation of Liability
  15. Registration Requirement
  16. Copyright Infringement
  17. Privacy Practices
  18. Support Policy
  19. Updates to This Page
  20. Contacting Us


1) Site Description

FindMyElectric.com (potentially referred to in this document as, but not limited to: “company,” “we,” “us,” “website,” “site,” “our” “Find My Electric”) is a website designed to allow users to publish listings for used electric vehicles. These listings are designed to attract buyer attention in order to assist these users in selling their Teslas and EVs. This site also allows prospective buyers to browse used EV listings and then contact the sellers of those vehicles in order to inquire about purchasing, similar to other used vehicle/classified sites on the Internet. FindMyElectric.com specializes in providing an environment specific to used electric vehicles and not internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

2) Access to FindMyElectric.com

  1. a) Age Limitation

FindMyElectric.com is targeted toward users in the United States, 18 years of age and older. Users under the age of 18 may not use this website and may not create an account. By using this website, you certify that you are 18 years of age or older. If we determine that someone under the age of 18 has created an account, we will terminate it immediately. If you become aware of the fact that someone under the age of 18 has created an account, please contact us at contact[at]findmyelectric[dot]com so we can take the appropriate action.

  1. b) License for Personal Use Only

All software, HTML, CSS, styling, logos, as well as the “look and feel” of this website are copyrighted and are not licensed for reproduction, redistribution, publication, display, or other use without the expressed written consent of FindMyElectric.com. This website may be used to search for and list used electric vehicles, sell used electriv vehicles, and learn about electric vehicles in general, but no other use is permitted.

  1. c) Website Availability and Functionality

While we do our best to make sure the website is available at all times and functioning properly, we cannot guarantee or warrant that the website will always be available, will always function without error, or that there will be no technical or other problems associated with the website.

3) Use of Information

The specific uses of information on this website, including but not limited to the types of information we collect and the ways we use that information can be found in our privacy policy.

When you register and list a vehicle for sale on this website, you agree that we may retain and use your vehicle information (including images and any details/documents you provide about your vehicle) in various areas including but not limited to: marketing, promotions, community engagement, etc.

If you would like to revoke or limit our use of your information, you need to contact us via email at contact[at]findmyelectric[dot]com and we will provide you with the steps to file a written request to do so. Once your written request is processed, we will then take steps to limit the use of the information in the purview of that request to the best of our ability.

You may link to or share (on social media, for example) pages on our website and vehicle listings, but you may not republish, recreate, reproduce or otherwise duplicate any content from this site (even if it’s your own) without the expressed written consent of FindMyElectric.com.

4) Warranties and Representations

If you rely on FindMyElectric.com or any product or service available through this site you do so at your own risk.

We do not warrant that the information, content, products and services available on this site (or promoted through this site) will be error-free, accurate, non-infringing, current, correct, complete, always available, free from viruses, malware, or other harmful components, or fulfill any other requirement or expectation you may have. The information provided to you on this site is provided “as-is” and there are no guarantees, warranties, or representations associated with it.

5) Listing a Vehicle for Sale

When you list a vehicle for sale, you will need to create an account on this site. The terms of your usage and your account are governed by the various sections and terms on this page, as well as our privacy policy.

You may, at any time, manage the content of your ad by signing into your account at FindMyElectric.com/login. You may also pause (by temporarily marking as sold), or edit your ad after it is published. Pausing your ad will not result in a refund automatically (please see our refund policy below). Deleting ads is not a function available through the end user admin panel. If you would like to permanently delete your ad, please contact us at contact[at]findmyelectric[dot]com so we can assist.

In order to list a vehicle for sale and create an account, you must first agree to our Terms and Conditions and privacy policy.

When your vehicle is listed, we do not warrant that it will appear in a certain place, rank, or order in the vehicle listings based on any specific factor except those vehicles that are listed as “featured,” which will appear in various featured sections on the website and carry various featured designations which may include things such as bold text (this is an available paid upgrade). Another exception to this is “standard” listings, which may appear in many (but not all) searches below the “featured” listings, but above the “free” listings in terms of listing position in the listing results.

Please note that we may not always offer all listing options; for example, free listing packages or options may not always be available as we may change our offerings from time to time. We also may offer seasonal discounts and promotions for our listing packages. See our current coupon and promo codes here.

We do not allow stock photos of vehicles or stock images to be uploaded for vehicle listings—they must be actual images of your vehicle that you have the exclusive rights to. If you upload photos that are copyrighted, you agree to incur any and all damages as a result of this misuse or infringement.

We may not publish any listings which contain images we object to for the reasons listed above, and potentially other reasons. We may not also publish listings with low quality or poor photos, or for vehicles which have not yet been delivered, or listings which don’t meet our standards in other various ways.

When we choose not to publish a listing, you may or may not be notified of this, and you may or may not be given the chance to correct the errors in your listing. We may simply delete the listing for not meeting our guidelines, and not notify you of this decision.

Listings are available on a pay-per-listing or subscription basis (subject to change at any time and outlined on our pricing page). From time-to-time, and at our discretion, we may offer free listings as part of a promotion or for another reason or offering to be determined by us. From time-to-time, we may offer free listings that do not require a coupon or promotion. Free listings may not contain all the features associated with paid listings, and we may also provide complimentary paid or discounted featured/upgraded listings as we see fit. Again, please see our pricing page for current and updated options and pricing.

We also require you to have physical possession of any vehicle you list for sale on the site. We do not allow selling of EV reservations, or vehicles which the owner has not taken delivery of yet. You must own the vehicle, have a valid VIN number, and have the vehicle in your physical possession with it registered to you in order to sell it. If we do not believe this is the case, we may ask you to prove any of the aforementioned ownership elements, or others not mentioned here.

6) Searching for Vehicles

An account is not required to search for available vehicles and vehicle configurations on this site, however, you must adhere to, understand, and agree to the Terms and Conditions and privacy policy on this site.

As stated in our Warranties and Representations section, we do not warrant that this vehicle search or inventory will always be available, will produce any type of expected results, function properly, or satisfy any specific function or expectation you may have.

7) Featured, Standard, and Free Vehicle Listings

During (and after) the vehicle listing process, there may be an option (for an additional fee—subject to change and as dictated on the site) to purchase a featured listing. A featured listing package means that your vehicle listing may be given priority placement and special designation on the site, in addition to other various features and attributes.

The benefits for featuring a vehicle will be explained on various page(s) of the website. This may include the pricing page, FAQ page, and other sections where applicable.

Standard listings may appear below featured listings and above free listings, and come with other various benefits. Free listings may contain the fewest benefits. Various levels of listings may be time-restricted in their duration and have other limitations as well, published and not explicitly published on our pricing, FAQ, or other pages. Upgrades from free to standard/featured, and standard to featured may also be available as well, as determined by us.

Free and standard listing packages may not always be available, or may only be available as a promotional option. Featured listing benefits may change at any time, and without notice to past, current, or future customers.

If you have any questions about features, benefits, or what comes with a listing, please contact us prior to purchase via our contact page or by sending an email to contact[at]findmyelectric[dot]com.

8) Refund Policy

The refund policy for FindMyElectric.com entitles users who pay for a listing and/or listing features to request a full 100% refund prior to their listing being published on the website; once the listing is live, we do not offer refunds.

After you pay for a listing, the listing is submitted to our team for a quality check which can take up to 48 hours (but may be completed much sooner). During this time, the listing is in “pending” status, which is noted on the user profile page. If you desire a refund, you must request it via email or phone while the listing is in pending status. Once the listing enters published status, refunds are not available.

Due to the high buyer traffic levels that FindMyElectric.com receives, there is simply too much leeway for users to abuse a loose refund policy (i.e. listing their vehicle for sale, and requesting a refund after it sells, etc.). Therefore, we do not offer refunds once a listing is live on the site.

9) Third-Party Services

From time-to-time, and at our discretion, we may advertise, promote, or offer third-party services or features on our website.

Before purchasing a third-party service, it’s important to ensure that you’ve done your due diligence and fully-understand all aspects of the third-party service in question. It’s also important to understand that these third-party services have separate and independent privacy policies and Terms and Conditions, and that these services are not governed, controlled, or regulated in any way by FindMyElectric.com.

Although we may make these third-party services available or visible to FindMyElectric.com users, we are not responsible in any way for the quality, reliability, cost, performance, or terms of these products and services. We do not co-sponsor, co-operate, endorse, or guarantee any advertise of any kind that may appear on this website—this applies to affiliates as well. Any communication that occurs between you and these third-party services is between you and that third-party—we do not monitor or involve ourselves in this communication.

Therefore, we are not liable to you or anyone else for damages that may occur as a result of your use or misuse of these third-party services.

10) User Content

When creating listings on our websites, you’re free to configure your ad in a variety of ways with pictures of your vehicle, as well as other information about your vehicle. However, you may not do any of the following:

  1. a) publish or attempt to publish any copyrighted material
  2. b) publish or attempt to publish any material that is knowing false, inaccurate, defamatory, libelous, tortuous, abusive, vulgar, hateful, racist, bigoted, sexist, discriminatory, harassing, threatening, obscene, illegal, profane, sexually oriented, invasive of anyone’s privacy, or is otherwise in violation of any law, rule, regulation
  3. c) publish or attempt to publish any material that violates the rights of others or any party, rights of privacy, rights of publicity, or that violates any trademark or intellectual property rights
  4. d) publish or attempt to publish any material or files that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, malware, malicious code or content, or contains any other harmful or disruptive component
  5. e) publish or attempt to publish any material that contains the personal information of others
  6. f) publish or attempt to publish any material that contains advertisements, solicitations, or any other commercial component
  7. g) publish or attempt to publish any material that links to or references any websites that are associates with illegal activities

Furthermore, you agree that you will not do any of the following:

  1. a) Attempt to interfere with the FindMyElectric.com website, gain access to secure areas, interfere with servers, computer systems or networks
  2. b) Attempt to interfere with user accounts, disrupt the website in any way, or collect information about other users
  3. c) Attempt to engage in systematic scraping or extraction of the content of this site, data or data fields, email addresses, or use crawlers, bots, or spiders in any way or for any purpose
  4. d) Attempt to collect information about others without their consent
  5. e) Attempt to impersonate any person or otherwise mislead people about your identity, the facts surrounding your vehicle, or post material under secondary names or aliases
  6. f) Attempt to reverse engineer or competitively analyze any of the site’s features, content, or any other aspect of the site for those or closely related purposes

Not complying with these requirements (or any requirement laid out on the site) is grounds for immediate termination of your account, lack of a refund, and banishment from this website and services, in addition to potential legal and criminal ramifications.

Although we may not be able to monitor all listings and edits, we reserve the right to modify the content of any listing at any time and for any reason. We also reserve the right to delete, pause, terminate, or suspend (temporarily or indefinitely) any listing or profile on the website.

When listing a vehicle, you are required to submit information that is true, accurate, current, and correct.

We may choose to some or all user submissions before publishing them, this still does not mean that they will be error-free, accurate, true, or correct.

We also take no responsibility and assume no liability for any content posted to FindMyElectric.com by you or by any third parties, whether not this content had the opportunity to be editorially reviewed prior to publishing.

11) Communicating with Other Users

When you choose to communicate with another user on the site about a used vehicle listing, you will fill out the information form and then click a submit button which emails your information to that user, from our site. So, be sure not to enter any sensitive information or information that you do not want someone else to have as once this is sent we have no way of un-sending it.

From that point forward, communication is between you and that user—we do not monitor or negotiate on behalf of any users, we are simply a marketplace where users can list vehicles.

However, if you are found or reported to be harassing, spamming, or communicating in some unwanted way with another user, we reserve the right to terminate any accounts you have and report your information to the relevant authorities—so please, be nice.

Also—please be advised that any information you enter into communication/contact forms may be recorded, monitored, and stored indefinitely.

12) Termination/Banning

We reserve the right to terminate any user account, at any time, for any reason without advance notice. If the termination is due to a violation of our policies, you will not be eligible for a refund and refunds will be processed solely at our discretion.

We also reserve the right to digitally trespass or ban users from the website at any time, for any reason without advance notice.

13) Waivers

Listed below are waivers that apply to users of this website:

  1. a) Arbitration Agreement

You agree that any claims or disputes (not limited to billing disputed) with FindMyElectric.com that arise out of your use or misuse of this site will be settled in small claims court or arbitration where there is no judge and no jury.

  1. b) Class Action Waiver

You agree that all claims between us will be resolved in individual arbitration or small claims court. There will be no class, representative, or consolidated actions in arbitration. You completely waive the right to participate in a class action of any kind.

  1. c) Arbitration Jurisdiction

You agree that all claims will be filed, handles, and arbitrated in our local county district and we will not under any circumstance travel or be required to participate or engage in arbitration outside of that jurisdiction.

  1. d) Waiver of a Jury Trial

You expressly waive the right to trial by jury. This means that if for any reason section(s) 13.a-c is found inapplicable or is not enforced, our claims against each other will be decided by a judge rather than a jury.

14) Disclaimers & Limitation of Liability

By using this site, you fully agree that FindMyElectric.com and its parent company, owners, affiliates, partners, assignees, employees, contractors, and any other person or entity materially or immaterially connected to or associated with the site will not by liable to you (or anyone else) under any context of any law for circumstances or losses arising for your use or misuse of this site (including your use or misuse of any linked or promoted product on this site).

Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless FindMyElectric.com and its parent company, owners, affiliates, partners, assignees, employees, contractors, and any other person or entity materially or immaterially connected to or associated with the site from any and all claims and expenses including attorney’s fees, arising from or related in any way to your use or misuse of this site.

15) Registration Requirement

In order to create a listing for a vehicle, you must create an account on this website. As previously mentioned, you must be 18 year of age or older to do so. We reserve the right to disallow the use of user names that violate the user content section of this page or our privacy policy or any terms or conditions we’ve set forth, or for any other reasons we deem applicable.

Account deletion is not a function available from the end user admin panel. However, if you would like to permanently delete your user account, please send us an email at contact[at]findmyelectric[dot]com and we are happy to assist with this. Please note: permanently deleting your user account will also delete all listings previously associated with that user account.

Furthermore, you agree that you are responsible for the information you submit on this website, so do not submit any information that is private or sensitive.

You are also responsible for creating and maintaining a secure password. If you forget your password, you can choose a password reset link on the website or contact us via the contact page or by email at contact[at]findmyelectric[dot]com to request assistance.

You are also responsible for keeping your password secure and maintaining the security of your account login information, so please keep this information in a safe place.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless FindMyElectric.com and its parent company, owners, affiliates, partners, assignees, employees, contractors, and any other person or entity materially or immaterially connected to or associated with the site from any and all claims and expenses including attorney’s fees, arising from or related in any way to the security of your user account and data.

16) Copyright Infringement

If you are an owner of intellectual property and believe that it has been improperly posted or displayed on this website, please notify us by sending an email to contact[at]findmyelectric[dot]com and we will follow up in order to take the appropriate action.

17) Privacy Practices

While some privacy-related information occurs on this page, our full privacy practices are outlined on our privacy policy page. You can click here or visit FindMyElectric.com/privacy-policy for full details.

18) Support Policy

To receive support for paid listings or any other aspect of the website, please visit our contact page or send an email to contact[at]findmyelectric[dot]com.

Our goal (although this is not a guarantee) is to follow up on all initial support requests within 24 hours of submission. The levels of support granted to paid users may be significantly higher than those granted to unpaid users. Paid users may be eligible to receive live help (such as phone calls and texting), where free users may only be able to receive email support which is directly related to their account and not any assistance with pricing or structuring their listing (although we may change this at any time without any advanced notice).

“Expert Pricing Help” is a service that we may provide to paid users only, which involves us making suggestions (which the user may or may not choose to follow) about how to choose a fair market price for their vehicle.

By accepting “Expert Pricing Help,” you agree that it is not financial, legal, or any other type of advice, and you fully agree that FindMyElectric.com and its parent company, owners, affiliates, partners, assignees, employees, contractors, and any other person or entity materially or immaterially connected to or associated with the site will not by liable to you (or anyone else) under any context of any law for circumstances or losses arising for your use or misuse of and pricing information we provide.

Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless FindMyElectric.com and its parent company, owners, affiliates, partners, assignees, employees, contractors, and any other person or entity materially or immaterially connected to or associated with the site from any and all claims and expenses including attorney’s fees, arising from or related in any way to your use or misuse of Expert Pricing Help, and any associated information with it.

19) EV Cash Offer Program

Find My Electric offers an additional way to sell your vehicle, called an “EV Cash Offer” (with the verbiage “Instant” occasionally used).  This is a program we developed where users are allowed to send their information to our network of EV dealers electronically either by filling out a web form, or by clicking a button when logged into the site, and sending information that is already contained on our site in the form of a listing which the user has already created.

The dealers in our network (a number that varies, and is entirely at our discretion) receive information about the user and their vehicle(s) and then decide whether or not to make an offer. Any offers made from the dealers will be sent directly by the dealers and not by Find My Electric; we are simply the conduit/mechanism which passes the information and organizes the dealers, as well as (but not limited to) other similar functions. We may also be compensated when a dealer performs a specific action, including but not limited to purchasing a specific vehicle.

The term “Instant” does not necessarily mean immediate or instantaneously, and there may be a delay of varying durations when receiving an “EV Cash Offer” or “Instant Cash Offer.” Furthermore, dealers are not required to make an offer on any vehicle, and it’s possible that no dealers in our network will make an offer, and the user may not receive any offers at all (or they may receive one or multiple offers).

The eventual sale and purchase of any vehicle using our “EV Cash Offer” program is completed by the dealers themselves, and we have no participation in that process whatsoever. Also, we do not warrant, guarantee, or imply that any offer made by any dealer will be available or valid for any specific length of time; this is completely up to the dealers themselves.

Once user and vehicle information is sent to our dealers, it is governed by their separate and independent privacy policies, terms of service, and business practices. You agree by participating in the EV Cash Offer program that FindMyElectric.com and its parent company, owners, affiliates, partners, assignees, employees, contractors, and any other person or entity materially or immaterially connected to or associated with the site will not by liable to you (or anyone else) under any context of any law for circumstances or losses arising for your communication and dealings with any EV dealers in our network.

Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless FindMyElectric.com and its parent company, owners, affiliates, partners, assignees, employees, contractors, and any other person or entity materially or immaterially connected to or associated with the site from any and all claims and expenses including attorney’s fees, arising from or related in any way to your communication and dealings with and EV dealers in our network.

If you do supply a mobile number, you consent to receive calls or texts at that number, whether manually or automatically dialed, and includes your consent for artificial voices from us and/or Participating Dealer Partners.

20) Updates to This Page

From time-to-time, as needed, without any advance notice, and at our sole discretion, this Terms and Conditions may be updated.

At the top of the page, you’ll see a line that says “Last Updated” with a date indicating the last time this Terms and Conditions page was updated.

21) Contacting Us

To contact is with questions, comments or concerns, please visit our contact page, or contact us via email at contact[at]findmyelectric[dot]com.